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A Fire-Breathing Surprise! - CPRPublications, Issue #1.

Updated: Aug 9, 2019


- A deeper dive into the mysterious quakes that have shaken the island;

- Penguins discuss "What makes the CPR island so unique?"

- Lovebacon56CP offers us a closer look into the BTS of her recent medieval artwork;

- A colorful surprise awaits you...

...and much more!



Mysterious Earthquakes Send Penguins Scrambling

A series of unexplained earthquakes have shaken the island of CPR, leaving tables turned, facades damaged, and even creating a crack on the iceberg. The staff was quick to equip some of the main gathering areas with sirens that signal a warning whenever the earthquakes occur. Crowds rushed to the boiler room in seek of refuge. Members of the community went around checking that nobody was harmed and giving out hot coffee to comfort the distraught.

Penguins seek refuge in boiler room.

Not much is known about these mystery tremors, but the damage is clear. And while many of the most iconic rooms on the island have felt the impact (our thoughts are with Perapin during this difficult time), the community has stepped up to do whatever it can to mend its home. Penguins have been drilling, painting and mopping across the island, trying to restore order.

Rooms left in tatters across the island.

Yet, the eerie feeling remains. What is causing these tremors? Will the damage only increase? What can we do to save our beloved island?

These questions remain to be answered, but our team is tirelessly working on uncovering the mystery behind these events. Be sure to check back next time for more updates on what information our intel has gathered, and send us any tips or theories that might help us unravel the truth!



How POTW Crouchie Lad's Adventure Made an Impact On and Beyond the Island

There is nothing more inspiring than seeing the community come together and make a real, meaningful difference. This past week was a perfect example of why we love our penguin family so much. One of our beloved friends, Crouchie Lad, committed to playing CPR for 24 hours straight and live-streaming the experience on YouTube. The motivation for this was to raise awareness about Crohn’s disease, which he has personally been affected by. He used this opportunity to also raise funds for Crohn’s and Colitis UK, a charity dedicated to the disease.

The Livestream began with a gathering of a few penguins on the island. Many came and went over the hours, but Crouchie persisted. All the while, he found great ways to entertain, and at the same time educate, and his creative methods did not go unnoticed by the island’s inhabitants. Perhaps the most effective of his techniques was what some of the locals termed the “bot invasion.” If you saw a group of over 20 penguins, all changing color simultaneously, chanting Crohn’s and Colitis UK and then bolting towards another room, that was Crouchie’s crew!

Crouchie made us laugh, he made us cry, and he educated us all about an important and underrepresented cause. And if that wasn’t enough on its own, he persisted even through the 7-hour CPR shutdown that day (extending his Livestream to a 31-hour one), and he managed to raise a whooping £1,450 for Crohn’s and Colitis UK, which they personally congratulated him on Twitter for! And of course, it was no surprise then that Crouchie was awarded the well-deserved title of POTW.

We want to congratulate Crouchie Lad once more on his incredible strength, persisting positivity and remarkable success throughout this journey. He is an inspiration to us all and we are proud to have him as part of the community!


The Latest Medieval Style Taking Over Club Penguin Rewritten

Today we're going to be styling some fresh trends for the upcoming Medieval Party! Whether you want to be a damsel in distress, a mischievous dragon, or a brave knight, we have all the latest trends to get this party started! Or should I say let the festivities begin?

First up, for all of our dazzling princesses out there, we have the perfect fit to make sure you're the belle of the ball! A sick combination of the Forest Median Gown and Green Hooded Cloak will make your outfit all that more mysterious yet fit for a queen!

Next up, for our daring dragons, we have the most sinister (and loving!) outfit in store for you! With your choice of either the Green or Pink Dragons both found in the July 2019 Penguin Style, you can rule the caves! Be sure to customize with some sunglasses and a cape to spice things up.

Finally, for our courageous knights, this issue will ensure that your bravery won't go unnoticed! Grab the knight's armor from the Penguin Style and get out there to fight the evil Dragon Queen! Be sure to pick up a matching shield and tabard to represent your kingdom!

Whatever your plans are, be sure to celebrate this party in style! We'd love to see what outfits you put together for this event so be sure to contact us through any of our Social Media. Now get out there and restore peace to our lands once again!



The Unexpected Vibrant Side to a Witch's Den

Kattiie's Medieval Party inspired igloo is more than Magical...

We recently ran into a lovely member of the community that goes by the name Kattiie! Our Intel, Nadia, proceeded to ask her a series of questions about the process of her igloo making. Kattiie said, "I made my igloo for both the Medieval Party and the Igloo Contest! The construction happening around the island definitely served as an inspiration. I kept adding items over the course of a few days but ended up finishing most of it within 2 hours. Though there wasn't really any significance or backstory, the igloo was mostly inspired by the medieval items in the furniture catalog. Everything luckily blended perfectly. I haven’t thought much about what it was supposed to be, but I imagine it ended up looking like some kind of witches den."

Nadia concluded with, "When I first checked the igloo, I was left speechless! I love how it gives off an eerie, abandoned, old, medieval witches hut vibe. The use of the new igloo locations was a great touch. It definitely adds a little more character to all igloos and overall makes them look all that much better! The tall trees were a great addition as well because it contributed to the whole deserted witch hut scene. The wooden furniture fits perfectly with the theme of the house and the extra windows with flowers hanging. Magical mushrooms, Crystals, and the Wizard Gnomes all sell the idea of Medieval. In conclusion, I'm obsessed! Amazing igloo, Kattiie."

If you penguins ever see it on the map, feel free to check it out, you might even uncover a secret box dimension...



Lovebacon56CP Explains the Inspiration Behind her Recent Medieval Artwork!

This week’s spotlight artist is none other than Lovebacon56! You may recognize her from her incredible and intricate drawings, or for her kindness and generosity! She’s a talented artist that we are honored to have as our first feature. Her incredible drawing of the fearless knight battling the ferocious dragon king, Scorn, shows a tale of bravery and courage. We sat down with Bacon, and asked her what inspired her to create such a masterpiece, the message behind the drawing, and any advice she had for up and coming artists within the community. Here are Bacon’s inspiring words:

“Obviously what inspired me was the upcoming Medieval Party! I hardly ever draw pieces that go with the themed party of the month but I honestly love Scorn and wanted to see what I could create! It took me only about 8 hours of non stop drawing but was totally worth it. I think a message I’d love for that piece to portray is bravery. We may just be small penguins but once we know what we’re capable of we can defeat a giant dragon! If I were to give advice to any new artists I’d absolutely say, just keep practicing. Don’t give up. Don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone and learn new things. And be creative and imaginative. Thank you for featuring me :)”

If you would like to see more of Bacon’s amazing work, be sure to follow her twitter @Lovebacon56CP and show her some love!



A Quest For What Makes Penguins Love the Island Most

For this week’s Scavenger Hunt, we went around the island and asked our fellow penguins what they like most about CPR. The answers reflected exactly what makes the island feel like a second home. First, we came across Funfunny8, who expressed their admiration for the CPR staff. “The way they create lore and expand on what was already there,” they said, trailing off thoughtfully. A passerby, named Marcie32, made sure to stop on their way and second that statement. Another penguin, Ooliverb, overheard our conversation and came over, joyfully adding, “Yes, they recreated my childhood perfectly!” Nostalgia was a big reason why people enjoyed the game so much. Claubi, another friendly local, pointed to precisely that as their favorite thing about CPR. It all came down to the community, according to them - a sentiment mirrored by holly2258. Across the island, we met four more penguins, LyraXShon, lego979, Arzhur and Willup, all of whom said that the memories they created were what made them love CPR so much.

All the while, a group of players were huddled in the Snow Forts waiting for the Medieval Party to arrive!

Naturally, those memories wouldn’t be half as valuable without the friends we made along the way. At the Cove, Wobbly8654 talked to us about just that. “I enjoy chatting with friends and meeting new people here,” they said. After a bit of thought, they added, “I also like the items, I think many are cool!” P4685827 was another penguin to gush over their friends. “Everyone here is so funny and kind,” they said with a big smile. These friendships aren’t confined to just the internet either. Atop the mountain, we met spurn kobain, who told us they liked to spend time with their real-life friends on CPR. And the island wouldn’t be what it was without the parties, CosmicRadish told us, which we couldn’t agree more with! The excitement about the Medieval Party is palpable all across the island, so get your medieval gear on and join the quest for more hidden treasures across CPR!

Next weeks Scavenger Hunt Theme is...Adventure!

Grab a couple of friends and head on out to explore the new Medieval Party on Club Penguin Rewritten. Make sure to submit your own Scavenger Hunt moments for a chance to be featured in next week's issues of CPRPublications!


Thank you for reading the first ever issue of CPRPublications! The team has been working day and night to build this platform from the ground up so that it can provide you with a cozy environment which reflects everything we adore about the CPR Community. Before signing off, we wanted to take a moment to share with you what inspired us to take on this massive project. It has been 14 years since the original Club Penguin opened its virtual doors to us, providing us with unparalleled friendships, adventures and lifelong memories. Countless hearts were broken when the game’s shutdown was announced, but the island’s inhabitants would soon find themselves with a new home to continue where they’d left off. It was thanks to the endless love, persistence and generosity of the Club Penguin Rewritten staff that over 4.5 million of us were given back the community we so cherished. More is to be expected in next weeks CPRP Issue but until then, take care, penguins!

- The CPRPublications Team 🐧

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