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Falltime Festivities - CPRPublications, Issue #6.


- Autumn Updates and Expectations;

- The Road to Artistic Expression;

- A Heartwarming Interaction on the Beacon;

...and much more!



Preparations and Predictions for Fall in CPR

The appearance of boxes always signals the fast-approaching start of yet another amazing party on our snowy island. On Thursday, penguins stumbled upon a large heap of unpacked decorations on the Beach, and so began the excitement for the upcoming Fair party.

The Fair is one of the most popular parties in the game. Not only are the decorations eye candy (Fair humor), but there is also an abundance of fun games and activities, as well as numerous new and returning items. Dressing up, collecting tickets and exploring with friends are all community favorites.

So what should we expect this year? We expect to see some of the old prizes return, giving those who missed the party last year to pick us some items they're missing. These could be anything from food-themed hand items, such as cotton candy or the lollipop, to body and neck items, or even a new igloo! It's likely that penguins will be receive coins as a reward, which is great news for those who are tired of spending all their time digging in the mine or playing Cart Surfer.

It's likely that there will once again be community ticket interface, where the total number of tickets penguins collect can be combined to get even greater prizes. This feature was recently utilized at the Island Adventure Party. We're expecting to see Rockhopper waddling around the island during the party, as his arrival has already been confirmed. It's likely that the color scheme will be different from previous years, as it was changed from 2017 to 2018. However, we will definitely be seeing a lot of confetti, flags and balloons.

Most importantly, however, this party will provide penguins with a safe space to finally unleash their inner clown, which they spend the rest of the year trying so hard to hide. You may have fooled some, but not the CPR team. They used the the new Furniture catalog to sneakily call out every single one of you (*sad clown noises*). It's okay, though, we're all clowning together.

We're very excited to see what the team has prepared for us this year! What are you looking forward to most? Let us know!



Igloo Design Expert's Fall Decorating Guide

Penguins around the island are getting excited to start celebrating the upcoming Fall season, and what better way to do that than to decorate your igloo? We spoke with one of the most influential CPR igloo designers, Babycier, and he shared some tips on how to make the most of decorating for this season. Here's what he had to say:

First, we asked what gave an igloo that special Fall feeling. It was "all about orange and brown furniture," he said. He also noted the prominent role that flora plays in the design, saying the most important items to add are ficus plants, spooky trees and the seasonal tree, the Sprouting Spectaculous. Don't forget to place some pumpkins too, and a fun bonus - a leaf pile to dive into!

We've included some design that Babycrier shared in his igloo design Discord server (you can find the link to it at the end of the article). Here is an example of a leaf pile that you can create for you and your friends to enjoy playing in, using the ficus plant.

We also asked what could help make igloos stand out among so many others. His answer: time, thinking, coins and dedication to figure out how to arrange items into a nice design, likening it to solving a puzzle. And of course, "buying a ton of furniture" is a big part of it.

Indeed, it takes some experimenting to come up with new and creative designs. Here, you can see how the festival flags have skilfully been placed to create the effect of them being attached to the trees. Try adding old and new items from different catalogs too, and combine them to create completely new items!

Finally, we asked Babycrier what some of his favorite current items are, and which he would like to see in the future. "My favorite furniture is the Straight Booth Seat. It's pretty good for restaurants or cafĂŠs," he replied. He added that it's found pretty rarely in igloos, but that it's a fun and useful piece to add. As for future items, he told us that he is looking forward to seeing the Bowling Pins and Bowling Alley, as they would be great for creating a fun space to put together a team of friends and hang out, bowling away!

In his Discord server, he shared some possibilities for igloo designs this season, which include: a Fall festival, corn maze, leaf pile, pumpkin market, and pumpkin carving festival. Any one of these, or a mix of a few of them, can spice up your igloo design and add a festive feel to it.

We're really grateful to Babycrier for taking the time to talk to us and share these fantastic tips with the community! Make sure to follow him on his Twitter for more inspiring igloo ideas and designs, and join his Discord server, Igloo Carpenters, for even more from him and the community (the link can be found here or in his Twitter bio).



Artist Talks Composition and Inspiration

This week we had the pleasure of talking to Zoey7005 about her creative process as an artist. She told us about how she chose to venture into the world of artistic expression and was kind enough to share her work process, as well as a recent piece she'd finished! Here's what we learned:

She didn't always know she would be taking this path. She explained, "As a child, I never quite saw myself dabbling in the artistic world, that came quite late. I would find myself doodling and experimenting with sketches later on into my years!" As for venturing into CPR art, Zoey started considering the possibility when she returned to the game in May of 2019. "Inspiration quickly came from the community's welcoming and accepting atmosphere," she said, which made it that much easier to explore different creative possibilities.

Seeing artists' growth and progress from one piece to the next was an even bigger inspiration. This was ultimately what instilled the sudden urge within her to try her hand at CPR art. When it came to motivation, Zoey said it was "the uplifting words of encouragement, continuous support and the loving spirits of the community that contributed the most." She made sure to point out just how much she appreciated that, saying "Words couldn't possibly express how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to take on this small adventure!"

One such artist is Winterii, for whom Zoey created the piece you see here.

We used this occasion to learn a little more about her personal creative process, and she was happy to share. "I've found that, for myself, sketching an outline of your drawing onto paper before digitalizing it allows for a more classic feel to the process," she said. "I'll usually start with an egg-shaped form, resembling a penguin body as closely as possible and from then on, work on the upper half of the penguin. Later, I focus on the details of the body items, poses, etc!"

Zoey recently finished another piece for a fellow penguin, Lovebacon56, which you can see here on the right.

She gave us a bit of a backstory for it as well, which was very touching. "As of recently," she said, "I've been experimenting with digital artwork and have been surprising old and new CPRewritten players with small drawings of their penguins as a thank you for making CPR the charming and welcoming place it is!" What a wholesome and inspiring deed!

Finally, we asked Zoey if she had any words of encouragement for fresh artists who were trying to find their way in the art world. Here is what she had to say:

"Although it may seem quite complicated, letting your pencil guide you throughout the process makes it all that much easier! Trusting in yourself and your creative mind is all you need to make sure your artwork tells the story you envisioned. Therefore, trust the process and take your time! Exercising it one step at a time can be the most helpful at times. Know that you are beyond capable of whatever it is that you set your minds to and let yourselves explore your creativity and be open to the idea of trying out new things."

We want to thank Zoey for sharing her story with us, and for being a true inspiration to us all! Make sure you follow this incredibly talented artist on her Twitter, and feel free to say hi to her if you see her around the island!



Dress to Impress This Season

It's that time of year again - put away your shorts and shades, and dig out those warm and cozy scarves and sweaters! In this article, we've compiled a few outfit ideas to keep your penguin warm and fashionable through the Fall season.

Here is an outfit appropriate for the beginning of Fall, when it's still not too cold - a sleeveless top and skirt can be worn even after summer has ended, as long as you have a nice big scarf and hat to keep you warm. And don't forget to accessorize with some fun hand items! Food items are especially popular now.

Tip: Try to match details from different bits of your outfit. The flower on the hat goes nicely with the pink sneakers, and the blue in the background makes the cotton candy's color pop.

Utilizing seasonal colors is the way to go! Combining shades of red, yellow, orange and brown will give your outfit that cozy Autumn feel. This is a great time to wear long sleeve shirts, and the Striped Rugby Shirt is great for school and outings with friends, just like the backpack. Don't forget to take time off and have some fun too - take advantage of a windy day and go fly a kite!

Tip: Many items come in different colors. Don't just stick to colors you already have on - a small detail in a different color can really make your outfit stand out!

The Fair is coming to town, giving you a great opportunity to dress festively. The Striped Overalls are a casual, yet stylish item perfect for the occasion. Store your tickets and prizes in the Messenger Bag, and keep warm a pair of Fuzzy Boots. Adding a balloon will make the outfit extra festive! The orange one is amongst our favorites for this season.

Tip: Wigs are a great way to personalize your outfit. Try different styles and different colors for different events. They can completely change your look!

Of course, we can't talk about Fall without mentioning Halloween. CPR has given us the Letterman Jackets in a wide range of colors, and they are an excellent choice for any situation. Adding a hat and scarf will keep the chilly breeze away, and you can try combining different colors! Collect your candy in a Pumpkin Basket and add a pair of 3D Glasses as a fun detail!

Tip: Face items can define your outfit. The shift from a school look and a party look can be made just by changing your glasses!

Here is a bonus outfit that many are enjoying on the island right now. Whether you're using it to celebrate The Fair, or to express your true inner self, the clown outfit is always a good and fun choice! Get together with someone in a car and you've got the makings of a timeless joke. Spoiler alert: you are the punch line. Of course, we're just kidding! Or are we...

Tip: Costumes are a great way to create whole new worlds and tell stories! Put one on and see where it takes you.

What are some of your favorite Fall looks? What items are you excited to put on again? Let us know!



Spreading Love Across the Island

Nothing warms our hearts like seeing community members take a moment to say or do something that will brighten others' days. This week's Scavenger Hunt is a perfect depiction of just such kindness. Click the right arrow to see the interaction unfold!

It only takes a few words to make someone's day that much better. Use any chance you get to spread love, happiness and kindness. After all, that is what this community is all about.

If you see such an interaction or are part of one yourself, share it with us!


Take care, penguins!

- The CPRPublications Team 🐧

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