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Calling All Clowns: The Carnival Is Here! - CPRPublications, Issue #7.


- Fair 2019 News and Secrets;

- The Fastest Ways To Make Money In-Game;

- Exploring The New Igloo Building Features;

- Kind Penguin Makes Everyone's Day;

...and much more!



A Guide To The Fair 2019 Party

Step right up, folks! The Fair has finally arrived! Penguins around the island rejoiced as one of their all-time favorite parties returned to the island last night. The excitement was palpable as everyone rushed online to see what the CPR team had in store for us this year. It was everything we wanted and more.

The Fair is one of the most elaborate parties of the year and a lot of time and exploration is required to make the most of your carnival experience. That's why we've created this handy guide for you. We'll take you around the island, highlighting some of the most notable additions, telling you what the best ways to get tickets are, and we'll even reveal some of the secret features you might have missed.

Grab your clown wig and follow us as we explore the Fair together!

Clown Business All Around

Many things have defined this party, but subtlety about clowning has not been one of them. Earlier this month, the CPR team generously graced us with a brilliant new clown outfit, so we could juggle more than just our responsibilities. But this was just the beginning. Penguins logged on to find that a new clown emoji had been added to the list as well, paving the way for some therapeutic self-expression.

Another great addition was the mime costume, which you can redeem with tickets at the Prize Booth in the Arcade Circle room. Finally, a way to smoothly and naturally slide out of an uncomfortable situation. And for those of you who are just here for the show, grab some popcorn at the Arcade Circle Prize Booth and get comfortable. The circus is in town, and plot twist, you are the main act.


Let's start with the most talked-about feature of this party. Nothing has garnered as much attention as the illusive Golden Ticket. You will receive one as soon as you log in. From there, you will need to play the Fair games to gather more. Once you have one or more of these, grab a good luck charm and head on over to the "Spin To Win" booth at the Dock. If things go your way, the arrow might land on a Mystery Item.

However, the Golden Ticket is pretty rare, so it might be best to focus your energy on collecting regular tickets until a golden one pops up. There is no limit to the fun you can have with the carnival games, but there is a limit to the tickets you can earn from them. The most profitable game is Puffle Paddle, which you can find in the Forest. The best strategy is to focus on paddling just one puffle at a time, as the score will get higher with each bounce, allowing you to accumulate massive amounts of tickets pretty quickly. As you can see above, one round can easily get you hundreds of tickets.


One of the best features of this party is the huge number of new items you can acquire. Some are free (if you can find them), while others have to be redeemed using tickets. Of course, there's also the Mystery Items, which are hidden until you get them in "Spin To Win." Below, we've compiled a list of the items you can find or redeem, including the hidden ones. Since some people don't want spoilers, we've put the pictures in a slideshow, so you will only see them if you click the right arrow.

The team has also announced that we should expect new additions in the second week of the party. They're keeping what those are secret, but they're sure to be amazing if what we have seen so far is any indicator.

We wish you good luck with collecting tickets and spinning the wheel of fortune (or wheel of disappointment, if you're like us and keep getting ten tickets every time).

And, as always, let us know what you love most about the Fair!



The Easiest And Fastest Ways To Make Money

The Annual Fair has finally arrived on the island, but as with every party, this means your bank account is going to run dry quickly, especially if you want to buy all the items as soon as possible. Don’t worry, though, you’re not alone in this tricky situation! Luckily for you, the island is filled to the brim with wonderful games that can get you bucket loads of money in only a small amount of time. One of our most talented reporters, darling girl, went out and got the scoop for you. Here's what you need to know:

Arguably, the most famous games for farming coins are Cart Surfer, Pizza-Tron 3000 and Catchin’ Waves. Another popular method is whipping out your hard hat and heading to the mine to chat with other working penguins. All of these methods are great, but each comes with its own pros and cons, especially in terms of efficiency.

Tip: To get the most out of each game, make sure you collect all the stamps for it. This will double your score at the end, meaning double coins as well!

Catchin' Waves

Catchin' Waves is probably one of the most profitable games on the island. With the Silver Surfboard, you'll be able to move quicker and jump higher, which combined with some tricks (a keyboard smash of A/W/S/D works great) will earn you a ton of points in no time.

With some practice, you will be able to collect a good 2-3k per game, while having all the stamps can bring you up to 7k per round. The drawback of this game is that is requires practice, concentration and hard work. But it's also very fun once you've gotten the hang of it.

Tip: Surf up and down the wave a couple of times to gain speed, then jump and do as many forward flips as you can. Spin the cursor quickly and hold down the A or D keys for the best results.

Pizza-Tron 3000

The Pizza Parlour is a wonderful place to hang out - whether it be the community, the food, the great aroma or the role-plays, it’s always fun. But another great reason to visit the restaurant is to play a quick game of Pizza-Tron 3000. Pizza-Tron is great for earning coins and is also versatile as it has two game modes: "Candy" and "Normal."

A friendly member of the community, Orophil, tested the game and told us you could get roughly 1085 coins in Normal mode and 1285 in Candy mode per round. This game is really fun and earns you a good sum, but it can be rather inefficient compared to others, especially considering how much effort it requires.

Tip: Playing Candy mode will help you earn more coins faster, but keep in mind it's more difficult, as the gameplay is faster.

Cart Surfer

Unlike Catchin’ Waves or Pizza-Tron 3000, Cart Surfer is nothing more than a pattern with a fantastic reward. With double the stamps, you can potentially earn up to 900 coins per 50-second round.

With practice and all the stamp collected, you can average around 750 coins per round, but it’s also possible to get more. This game is probably the best for earning money, as the pattern to get maximum coins is super simple to learn and get the hang of.

Tip: The best combination for coins is repeating the backflip move (Down key + Space) and a jump spin (Space + Left/Right key). Make sure to grind around the corners as well!


Another popular method of making money quickly is mining in the Cave Mine, where you’ll surely see ten or twenty penguins drilling alongside you. You can only get around 100 coins in a minute and you have to keep changing locations, but it's great if you're looking for a leisurely way to earn money.

This method gives you very little coins compared to its competitors but stands out as it’s incredibly easy and you can socialize with others whilst doing it!

Tip: Bring some friends along or try to go mining when the servers are full - that will guarantee the most fun experience!

In summary, there are many games on Club Penguin Rewritten, but none are as simple and profiting as Cart Surfer. It’s impressively fast, easy to learn and gives you more coins than any other game with minimal time and effort. At the end of the day, however, Club Penguin Rewritten is about having fun, whether that's socializing at the mines, cooking up a storm, catching some waves or shredding up some rails, it’s all up to you!



Using The Newest CPR Building Features!

Just when you thought there couldn't possibly be any more exciting news, the CPR team decided to release a brand new igloo update. The improvements have been game-changers for igloo builders across the island. Here are some of the highlights:

The igloo removal is probably one of the most useful tools we've seen so far. No longer are penguins constrained by the shape and dimensions of their homes. Now, you can let your imagination run free and create to your heart's content. The recent update included the option of adding flooring to open igloos, too. It can completely change the atmosphere in your igloo, giving you the flexibility to build a wide variety of venues.

You may be looking at these pictures and thinking, "Isn't there something missing?" In fact, there is. Gone are the days when you had to try and guesstimate where your items will end up when placing them in the lower left corner. Now, you're able to remove the sticky note that's always stood there. Another handy (and adorable) addition has been the little builder map your penguin holds while you're building. This lets your visitors know that you're busy working on your igloo.

One of our personal favorites, however, has been the introduction of the multiple pieces selection. Normally, you would have to open your inventory a dozen times to get several pieces of the same furniture, but now you can "Shift + Click" on any item and it will keep placing more of it in your igloo without closing your inventory. This will really come in handy if you're looking to get the "Full House" stamp that has now been fixed.

The update includes many other things, such as performance improvements, gameplay enhancements and bug fixes, to name a few. Make sure to check all of these out next time you're online. We can't wait to see what you create with these fantastic new features!



Kind Community Members Spreads Joy Across Island

Here in CPRPublications, we love to highlight heartwarming interactions within the community. This week, we are featuring an exceptional member of the Club Penguin Rewritten, known for just that - Ooliverb. For the past month, Oliver been going around the island every day, handing out flowers to fellow penguins. We caught up with him and asked him to share with us what motivated him to start doing this, as well as what the reception has been. He was happy to share his story.

The first flower he gave was to a penguin called "Elizabeth020." He assumed she was new to the game, as she was asking questions like how to play and what to do on the island. Unfortunately, she didn't receive the warmest welcome, so Oliver decided to step in. He helped her out and, to make it extra special, sent the flower emoji.

"I found her reaction quite funny so I thought it could be a cool idea, sort of like a social experiment, to see how others would react to a random user giving them a flower," he recalled. "I found that doing so was a cool way of finding new friends too so I continued to do it."

We asked Oliver how he's chosen whom to give a flower to since then. "I usually like to choose those who may be looking for help or are just sitting in a room by themselves," he said, "but there are some occasions where I am approached by those who just want a flower which I am happy to oblige to."

The whole thing started off with a small, unplanned interaction, but soon turned into something the community looked forward to seeing on a daily basis, as Oliver shared his journey on Twitter. "I didn’t expect the reactions I got, to be honest!" he told us. And the reactions have been colorful.

Aside from likes and words of praise, Oliver has also gotten his own fan art! Captain Cat's painting was his favorite response, he told us, adding, "they painted my penguin because they said they felt inspired by my kindness which really touched me and motivated me to continue." His actions have also provided some good laughs, as you can see on the right (this inspired its own fan art).

Finally, we asked Oliver if he had any words to share with the community. "Thanks for all the support!" he said. "I have loved meeting so many members of the community through such a simple action as pressing E+F on my keyboard."

Thank you, Oliver, for being a true pillar of this community. Your actions have put countless smiles on countless faces, and they are a great reminder of what this community is all about!


Take care, penguins!

- The CPRPublications Team 🐧

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