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Taking a Walk Down Memory Lane - CPRPublications, Issue #3.


- The Behind the Scenes of NuggetCPR's recent artwork;

- Penguin Special: The most memorable tales from the early days!

- Community shares thoughts on CPR's underrated rooms;

...and much more!



Memories from Homes Old and New

In early 2017, Club Penguin decided to step down from its virtual shelves, later to be replaced by a new product for mobile, Club Penguin Island. The new game would, however, pale in comparison to the original, which had served as a safe space to learn, grow, make friends and have a good time for so many. Players were in disbelief that their online penguin home was about to disappear, but they had no choice but to come to terms with the painful facts - Club Penguin would be shutting down on March 29th, 2017.

But not all was lost! Only a month later, Club Penguin Rewritten opened its doors to players, old and new, letting us relive a childhood we were sure we had lost. And thus, a new adventure awaited us penguins! With players flowing in left and right, the site managed to gain a total of 100k registered players just 3 months after its launch!

Although the Official Club Penguin site took its leave, memories, and tales from those remarkable 14 years live on in each of our hearts. Players are still reminiscing to this day about their first look at the island's features, the creation of silly CPMV's that'd make their way to Youtube, and, of course, the millions of friendships that were built during that time. In the spirit of taking a look into the past, we gathered a few Club Penguin Rewritten players to tell us about their most prominent recollections from those lovely times. Here's what they had to say;

Two of our CPRP members, xKattx and Candycorn900, were sweet enough to share their stories from their Club Penguin days. Our head designer and writer, Kat, told us, "I joined Club Penguin in March 2009. My dad had recently had surgery and one of his coworkers stopped by to drop off a get well soon gift. While they stopped by, their son had asked to borrow my computer to check out a new catalog on this site called Club Penguin. Intrigued, I asked him to help me set up my account. Eventually, I fell in love and began playing daily. Before I knew it, Club Penguin became the center of my childhood. And the rest is history!" A heartwarming and endearing tale indeed. Kat recalled how when catalogs were released in 2009, penguins would storm the Gift Shop in hopes of getting their flippers on the most fashionable of items first! She also remembered the pride with which players would later walk out, rocking an awesome new hairdo and eye-catching outfit that was sure to turn heads in the Town.

Candy shared with us one of her earliest and fondest memories of classic Club Penguin, saying that it was during the 2008 Water Party. "I would log on every day at 4 PM penguin standard time and meet my friends at the cove, we all decided on that time together before the party started. --- We would sit around and make each other laugh for hours, and then we would run around the whole island talking to new people and have them join in on our little tradition. It was so much fun and for years we would meet at the same place, at the same time, nearly every single day." Those memories served as a learning experience for Candy as well. "Being exposed to online friends at a young age, it opened my mind to so many new things and I am so thankful for that. All of my friends lived so far away from me, some even in countries I hadn’t even learned about in school yet. --- I learned so much about people that are so different from me and I loved it so much. I know that I will cherish them and the memories we made together forever."

Another friendly penguin from the community, who goes by the name Kidguin, shared with us several stories, ranging from her earliest memories from the game, to the ones that she cherished most! Starting with, "Some of my earliest memories from CP were the Medieval and Halloween parties! Those stuck out to me the most because I remember being amazed by the decorations around the island and waddling around exploring all of the rooms with my friends. --- I was always looking to make online friends even as a kid, so I cherished the friendships I had on the original CP." She was quick to add that certain aspects of Club Penguin were not just limited to her memories. In particular, the sense of community hasn't changed with CPR. "Even though it’s been years since I’ve played Club Penguin and I only rejoined a few months ago, I’m so thankful for the incredible people I’ve met in such a short period of time; they have all changed my life for the better in ways I can’t adequately describe." This was something many of our team members could agree upon!

Now that you've heard these penguins stories, let us know: What brought you into the snowy world of Club Penguin and what made you join again when CPR opened?



The Most Overlooked CPR Rooms Dazzle!

With so many beloved rooms such as the Town and the Pizza Parlor, we wondered; what were some of the places that deserved their own time to shine as well?

We went ahead and asked several penguins on our thriving island which room they felt deserved more recognition and love. Quick to answer, a member of the penguin family, airlanes, said:

"I think the cove definitely deserves more love. It’s always been one of my favorite rooms. I remember sitting around the fire in OG and we would tell scary stories and just hang out with friends. I’m glad it’s been getting more love recently especially with the new catalog." We happen to agree; especially with the part about surrounding the fire, which is something, I'm sure many of us occasionally did back on the original Club Penguin!

A beloved artist in the community by the name of Carosene was sure to give us her thoughts and opinions on the matter. She happily answered: "I feel like the Serene Springs has been kind of forgotten. It's so relaxing and beautifully designed and just a great place to hang."

Thank you, airlanes and Carosene, for your inputs! Be sure to give the rooms listed above a visit, you might be surprised at their beauty and cozy atmosphere.



Scented Candles & Flowing Fountains: Guaranteed to Sweep you off your Feet

After a long day, relaxation is a must. Luckily for you...Grape Pal knows just the place for it!

From lengthy hours spent digging for coins in the Mine to fixing up delicious pizzas for the community at the Parlor, penguins are bound to get exhausted by the end of their busy days. Thankfully, Grape Pal has got you covered! Recently, they decided to open up a Spa on the server Blizzard for players to enjoy a relaxing evening among their penguin pals. Our intel, Nadia, was fortunate enough to catch Grape Pal before they headed for the Town to advertise. Here's what they had to say about this Cozy Spa:

"I wanted it to be a relaxing space for everyone to chill and have fun. I used a basic color scheme as it makes the place look a little more calming and peaceful. There are vines and hanging flower baskets on the wall to make it extra homey!" And a homey atmosphere is exactly what you will find! The setting, especially the vegetation, fits perfectly with the igloo’s forest-themed background. One of our personal favorite elements were the vines draped across the walls, which added that extra bit of charm to the igloo’s character.

The creator continued by saying, "The Blue Rugs are meant to be yoga mats and the crystals are from the new medieval-themed igloo catalog! I think the pink igloo went well with the flowers on the wall and the flooring made it look more subtle and relaxing." Grape Pal added, "The circle of chairs area is meant to be a cozy place for everyone to sit and chat with each other." 

With that, our new friend happily made their way to the Town to promote their lovely igloo. With the interviewee’s perspective and our own experience taken into consideration, we definitely feel like this igloo is one worth visiting if you’re looking for a calm, homey and relaxing vibe after a long day! From the calming furnishing choices to the overall naturalistic environment within the place, this is the place to be!

If you do happen to stumble across it, we’re sure you’ll be guaranteed a good time! Even Grape Pal's puffles are having the time of their lives there!



Following Inspiration Wherever it May Take You

NuggetCPR's journey began in May of 2019 during the Music Jam in which she was a featured artist in the Club Penguin Times. Her attention to detail and the constant vibrancy that is applied to her artwork has never failed to please the eye. We managed to catch up with Nugget and get the inside scoop on the background behind her most recent adventures, the process of becoming an artist, and the obstacles she faced during her strife to share her work with the world.

It all started with social media, she told us. “Recently, I’ve been seeing a bunch of artists on my Instagram feed, as well as Youtube, draw strangers without them knowing; whether it be on a bus, at a park, and other locations. It’s usually done for portrait studies, and most of the time the artist doesn’t show the stranger their drawing of them. This is most likely because it’s slightly creepy to reveal to a stranger that you’ve been studying their face and drawing them,”

She went on to tell us what making CPR-themed art meant to her, as well as how it helped her to grow her artistic abilities. "These CPR encounter drawings are a spin-off of this sub-genre of art studies. It helps me become more used to drawing backgrounds and the characters’ interactions within it.”

In Nugget's words, in other fandoms across a variety of media, the presence of humans or different animals as characters made the expression easier, thanks to the greater mass of elements to work with. “You can clearly see the artist’s style and how they apply them to the characters of that game/show. However, the uniqueness of the CP art style is what makes it recognizable. Although the CP art style is quite restrictive, artists still manage to add their unique touches.”

As with any committed artist, the inspiration went way back, all the way to her childhood. “I’ve always had a thing for drawing and art in general, however, I feel that my interest grew even greater during this small interaction in 3rd grade. During recess, my friend showed me this drawing of a character from My Little Pony and I was amazed at how similar it looked to the show. Jokingly, I recreated her drawing on a random piece of paper in my notebook, which to no surprise turned out terrible. We were laughing at the difference between her beautiful drawing and my quick 10-second drawing. As time went on, she got me into My Little Pony, which is what I drew for most of the time.”

Eventually, she shifted to CPR, where we know and love her so much. With regards to the game, she explained how it has affected her and her art. “It has left quite a big impact so far. I draw humans most of the time, so it was a fun challenge to blindly dive into a completely new style. I also wanted to imitate the CP art style as best as possible in an attempt to challenge my flexibility and how quickly I can adapt to different styles.”

Nugget was, of course, more than happy to share her wisdom with other aspiring artists too. In her words, practice makes perfect! Beyond that, there was one important thing to keep in mind, however. Practicing with purpose is something she was sure to push, as it is crucial to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself in different areas. With one final message for all the upcoming artists out there she said, "It’s okay if your artworks don’t always come out as masterpieces, and draw for yourself, not for others! Overall, have fun, because, at the end of the day, art is a way to freely express your ideas and creativity.”

Thank you for sharing your story, Nugget! If you'd like to support her on her art journey, be sure to click the link that is attached to the image featuring the artwork she did of Cadence during the 2019 Music Jam!



Penguins take the time to Appreciate their Snowy Island

Dig out those dusty old boots, rummage through those long-unopened toolboxes, and find some of your oldest gardening clothing. Our UK penguin friends are celebrating National Allotments Week! The week of August 12th-18th, communities are gathering to plant vegetation, harvest what has already grown, and share what they have with each other.

During this growing season, you will find baskets filled to the brim with all types of goodies. Our personal favorites are the jars of nothing but the finest of jams, making their way across the community. Make sure to get a couple before they’re all gone so you can satisfy your sweet tooth during the cold winter nights that are to come. But keep in mind that this week isn’t just about collecting! The main idea is to share what you collect or already have. Take inspiration from the spirit of generosity that has taken over the community and give something yourself. This isn’t limited to just crops either, you can also share a hot cup of coffee or a few kind words!

This year a special focus is being placed on donating to food banks, so every single member of our community can have a little something. So even if you don’t personally have a garden to collect from, grab something from the grocery store, or even your own pantry, and grab something for your local food bank.

The spirit of National Allotments Week has been present on our beloved snowy island too! We were lucky enough to capture a moment shared between a few penguins, who were celebrating by watering our community garden. They were chatting cheerfully amongst themselves and invited us to join them. They also made sure to share how thrilled they were to be able to help out and give back.

Though the official celebration is coming to a close this weekend, be sure to keep the spirit of appreciation alive within our shared community space! Whether that be through watering our garden at the Mine, planting a few flowers in your garden, or even thanking those who care for our environment across the island, every little bit counts! With that being said, next week's theme is...Summer! Share your pictures, igloos, and memories with us at or through our Social Media! We'd loved to see them.


Take care, penguins!

- The CPRPublications Team 🐧

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