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What Lies Ahead on the Dark, Dreary Path - CPRPublications, Issue #2.

Updated: Sep 18, 2019


- Breaking News: In the darkness a mysterious creature lurks;

- Reviewing all the latest mystical trends! Community reports all.

- Exclusive interview with POTW, Angel Cake16;

...and much more!



Penguins Take on the Living Myth on the Road to Glory

Happen to see this friendly red dragon in the Cave Mines? Give him a small wave and "Hi!" from us!

As the rising sun awoke the residents of Club Penguin Rewritten, they found that the earthquakes had ceased, witchcraft had began brewing, and a mystical aura had settled upon the island. The 2019 Medieval Party had been released in the early morning of August 5th! Penguins scattered in search of all its hidden treasures and stumbled upon an exciting surprise. Although they didn't know it at first, they were in for quite the treat. The Dragon Queen, designed by Screenhog, had found her way to the lands of CPR and challenged all those who dared to a duel. Her unbelievable strength and resistance fueled desire to take her down in many brave penguin’s hearts! Those who were triumphant in the battle found their way to a dim purple room filled with all the treasures their hearts could desire, alongside the new, custom-made claw pin.

We made sure to ask a few of the penguins running around to give us their thoughts on the state of the island. AquaRuff0317 said "I think it's great! The new dragon is very unique. It all seems very nostalgic even though it is new." We continued and ran into an active member of the community, ViciousDex! They went on to say, "The queen is very evil compared to the other three dragons but the only thing that defeats her is teamwork." and we couldn't agree more! Lastly, the lovely penguin by the name of Invisible Me told us, "Best party so far! I think the design of the Dragon Queen is really cool and amazing." Thank you to all the community members that gave us their thoughts on the matter! We appreciate your answers.

Congratulations to our fearless knights, princesses, and friends! Now that our fight is finally over, be sure to stop by for a warm coffee and relax by the fire in the Coffee Shop! If you happen to do so, send us a screenshot and share your experience throughout this party. Thank you for keeping our lands safe.



Predictions of This Month's Top Styles

After an enchanting July filled with pastel purples to gleaming blues, gowns that reached the ends of your flippers, and the royals of the island showcasing their beautiful diamonds. The time to close the chapter that was the July Penguin Style had arrived. Opinions on the latest styles varied across the community, however, players were sure to cheer on the Club Penguin Rewritten staff with any upcoming events, catalogs, etc. they might have planned!

In the search for the most necessary accessories, we ran into wizards, princesses, knights, and even jesters. With the help of players with the most extraordinary taste in the fashion department, we compiled a collection of the most essential items that are a must for the second half of the current Medieval Party. Be sure to play around with the items featured and let your creativity shine!

As we waited upon the appearance of this month's August fashion, we made our way to the Gift Shop to get a few predictions for the upcoming events on CPR. Penguins had this to say;

ViciousDex told us, “It seems as though The Fair will be the next big event to hit the island." Paigey chimed in and agreed, “The next event will either be The Fair or maybe the Penguin Games!” An overall feeling of excitement filled the room as the gang began to await our next adventure.



Penguin of the Week, Angel Cake16!

With their kindness and supportive attitude towards the community never going unnoticed, this week's spotlight goes to none other than Angel Cake16! We asked her a series of questions regarding her recent activity in the community and beyond. She was sure to report back all there is to know, from her first reaction to the news, to advice to any penguins pursuing that Penguin Of The Week title. 

Molly started off with, "Well if we are being honest here my first initial reaction was confusion. I wasn’t at home when the announcement was released and I just noticed my phone had been buzzing off the hook with people yelling my name. Funny 

enough, I had thought something bad happened! Of course, once I realized why people were messaging me I was over the moon excited! I never thought I would get penguin if the week in a million years." 

She continued, "There are so many amazing, kind, active penguins in the community who are so special and unique in their own individual ways who deserve POTW a thousand times over, so I never thought I’d be noticed. I’d like to consider myself an active member of the CPR community, but there are plenty of people who do so much good out of the kindness of their hearts!"

If you read last week’s issue of CPRP, you’ll be familiar with Molly. She was one of the community members who remained strong and persistent throughout Crouchie Lad’s 24-hour livestream. Her positive and friendly attitude is ever-present and ever-inspiring! Thank you Molly and congratulations on becoming the 117th POTW. Wear that Green Viking Helmet proud and continue spreading your joy always!



Make Your Palette Match the Courageous Spirit

The primary colors represented in this year's Medieval Party are divided into earthy and mystical tones. Each of them playing a particular role in bringing the event to life. You can see the representative hues in the pallet below:

The first of these categories, the earthy tones, are utilized to represent the rawness of the old-fashioned times. This period is characterized by the connection to nature, seen especially throughout the island as modern structures are replaced by simple wooden and stone-like materials. By applying these colors to your outfits and igloos you'll be the perfect reflection of what makes for the foundation of this party!

The second, and perhaps even more noticeable of the pallets, is the purple-toned, representative of all that is mystical across the island. These are the tones that add that special something to the island, making it feel like you are walking in an actual fairytale. Any of the colors from this palette will add either a magical or noble feel to your attire or home!



Scavenging for Adventure on an Island filled with Extraordinary Tales

Long before the beginning of the current CPR party, locals could hear the clinging and clanging of metal across the island. The ceaseless noises marked each passing day of preparation. Whether it was blacksmiths working tirelessly to supply brave knights with the arms and armor they would need, or those same knights spending every waking moment training for the soon-approaching battle of their lifetimes, the soft humming persisted.

Then, finally, the moment of truth was upon them. The Medieval Party had begun! Penguins scurried back and forth, some with fear, others with excitement. But all eventually found themselves entering through the walls, that would determine their destiny.

The most striking of them all were the knights, who mustered up every last bit of bravery they had in them, and stepped up to challenge the Dragon Queen, the fate of our snowy home in their hands.

The fight was long and it was difficult, but the endless days of training had paid off - the penguins were the last ones standing! The victorious knights stood proudly, representing their house with their signature armor and pastel blue shields.

With victory prominent in their hearts, daring folk gathered in the Dragon Queen’s lair, holding their polished shields high and proud, nobility reflected in their grins. The Dragon Queen’s roars were replaced with roars of excitement by the locals. They sang and cheered as their brave saviors shared the fortunes among all.

The 2019 Medieval Party was a literal roaring success! We decided to take to our social media and find out just how great the players of CPR found this party.

On Twitter, we asked: “Which Medieval Party on Club Penguin Rewritten was your personal favorite?” Community members were quick to share all their thoughts and opinions on the subject! From 34 votes, the 2019 Medieval Party came through with a whopping 29%, following close behind 2018 was at 24%, and last but not least, 2017 with 21%. It is safe to say that the Club Penguin Rewritten staff definitely outdid themselves this year! From the custom-made quest to the beautiful music playing throughout the island, the 2019 Medieval Party has definitely earned it's title for the most desirable in CPR history.


From the CPRPublications team to you, thank you! We're unbelievably grateful for the overwhelming support we've had the chance to receive over the past week. Having the opportunity to interact with players across the Club Penguin Rewritten community has been an absolute honor. Every single one of us is looking forward to continuing to meet and chat with all you incredible penguins on our favorite snowy island! We cannot wait for the future of CPRPublications and are beyond excited to share every moment of it with you. Once again, thank you for helping us turn our vision into a reality. Until next time,

Take care, penguins!

- The CPRPublications Team 🐧

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